Blair Childs, SVP Premier Inc. Robert Betz, former president & CEO
Health Industry Group Purchasing Assn.
The Senator
"Sen. Schumer calls for FTC investigation into gray market drugs," Healthcare Finance News, Oct. 10, 2011. READ ARTICLE.
(formerly Novation)
CEO: Curt Nonomaque CEO: Susan DeVore
Todd Ebert (l) president, and Curtis Rooney (r), former president, Healthcare Supply Chain Association (formerly Health Industry Group Purchasing Association, or HIGPA), the GPO trade group.
HSCA's marching orders: Keep GPO kickbacks by blocking repeal of Medicare anti-kickback safe harbor by all means possible. [Note: Mr. Rooney resigned suddenly in early July 2015 without explanation. HSCA gave no reason for his departure]
*READ our New York Times op-ed of Sept. 3, 2013, "How a Cabal Keeps Generics Scarce"